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AP Physics C: 02 - Dynamic Fundamentals
AP Physics C - Dynamics Review (Mechanics) - Newton's 3 Laws, Friction, etc.
AP® Physics 1: Forces and Newton's Laws (Unit 2)
AP Physics 1 Dynamics (Forces and Newton’s Laws) Review
AP Physics 1 review of Forces and Newton's Laws | Physics | Khan Academy
Newton's Law of Motion - First, Second & Third - Physics
AP Physics C: Rotational Dynamics Review - 1 of 2 (Mechanics)
AP Physics C Mechanics Unit 2 Review Video (Forces)
AP Physics C - Unit 2 - Dynamics - Introduction
AP Physics C: Work, Energy, and Power Review (Mechanics)
Simple Harmonic Motion: Hooke's Law
AP Physics C: Mechanics Unit 2 Review - Dynamics & Center of Mass - Equations - Forces